Thursday, December 11, 2014

A little about Dru...

So, I thought I would tell you a little about our little guy:

* he loves oranges

* loves to play with cars and trucks

* loves playing with any type of pull toy

*typically rough and tumble play

*easily attaches...(something we need to be very cautious with)

* loves outside, didn't like the baby hawk until he learned that this means we are going outside

*the orphanage said he loves dancing

*wearing 18 month clothing but the pants are still too long

*he has already fallen and got a bruise on his chin....lost his balance and fell into the garbage can

*loves to eat (boy can I tell by carrying him)

*starting to respond to his English name a little

* sweats very easily

* doesn't like orange juice

These are some of the things we have learned..either through experience or by the orphanage chief director and director telling us!

Love from Nan Jing

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