Sunday, March 8, 2015

Dru's palate repair

Wednesday, March 4th , Weeman had his palate repaired. I was so nervous because he would start screaming everytime he saw someone come near him in scrubs. I walked him into the OR, cried until they told me he was out and they walked out. My heart shattered! This was not going to help with our attachment!

The surgery was 2.5 hours long and I was driving myself crazy staring at the clock in the family waiting home. Finally, I asked Jason to go with me to the gift shop to buy Weeman a stuffy. I had to get out of that room.

Finally Dr, Stramus came to chat with. Miss Diva was so funny! She walked right up to him and said "give me back my brother." Everything went well. I was going to be permitted to go in recovery within the next 10 mins. I couldn't wait to hold him in my arms. I walked through the recovery room doors and there he was, all cuddled in the corner of this very long bed. I crawled into bed with him and held him until it hurt. My heart was so hurting and kind of felt guilty for "hurting" my son. The nurse caring for him told me his oxygen was low so they were going to put him on oxygen and his rate was really high. I was so worried about him. The nurse increased his fluids and his heart started to come down. He continued to have oxygen for the next 24 hours.

Once we got upstairs, he started to wake more and wanted snuggles, food and things to drink. He was eating ice cream, apple sauce, pudding and lots of water. I was so happy because miss diva was 2 days before she would let us anywhere near her mouth.This was awesome!

Weeman came home on Friday morning with ear drops and pain meds and doing well.  He is eating okay but could be a little better. He is starting to act like his old self and I worrying less. Glad to have my little man home.

Thank you Cleft Team @ McMaster hospital you are amazing!

              Weeman is home with his no- no's and he actually doesn't mind them to much

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