Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Mixed Emotions

So we've been home almost three seems like a life time ago. I miss China. Miss Diva comments daily about how she is missing China and wants to go back. How is it so easy to love a country so much? Is it because we love different cultures and people, it could be the food and we have met some wonderful people over there. I also know it is special because our kids have family there. It's their homeland. We all miss China so much! I wish money wasn't a issue...I would go back more often.

I am super excited that Miss Diva's surgery was a success. Her speech pathologist comments on how well she is doing! No thanks to the CCAC. They sent home paperwork June last year, to have this in place for September. Well she still hasn't gotten any speech therapy from them....waste of time in my opinion. She is a wonderful little girl and I am so glad to parent her. I get to be her mama, what a privilege!

Disappointed with the results of Dru's surgery is an understatement. I worry about feeding this kid anything. They cannot do anything to repair his palate until June. I am patiently waiting for the phone to ring with that surgery date.

Jason is home right now, on parental leave. We are so fortunate with all the doctor, dentist and medical appointments he would be fired! lol, I feel "spread thin". Sometimes depression is a thought but then I realize I am strong and just keep pushing on. We will make it. I have support from my mom, Jason and Aunt Evelyn and Uncle Peter and that's all I need. Friends that have been there and done that are wonderful too.

Soon it will be summer, looking forward to seeing my mom, spending time at the beach and having fun.

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